Carter BBD Carburetor Kits
You will find complete coverage of the Carter BBD, 2 barrel carburetor kits below. Click on the photos to get a more detailed description of the carburetor kit. Please be sure to match your carburetor number with the list provided on each kit. When your carburetor number is missing, take the carburetor apart, take a lot of pictures and then compare the parts with what we have in the photos until you find a good match.
Most BBD carburetors used a leather cup on the accelerator pump. Ethanol will not harm this type of pump, however letting the cup dry out will ruin the accelerator pump cup.

Most BBD carburetors used a leather cup on the accelerator pump. Ethanol will not harm this type of pump, however letting the cup dry out will ruin the accelerator pump cup.
Carter BBD carbs were not stamped with the carburetor number. If your ID tag is missing, you'll have to compare the gaskets and accelerator pump to confirm the carb kit.
K6130 and K4268 have very distinctive bowl and flange gaskets and should be easy to identify.

If you have this pump and bowl gasket, you need kit K7152

If you have this accelerator pump, you need kit K457

If you have this pump, you need kit, K4269 (5/8" x 2.511")

If you have this pump, you need kit K7124 (5/8" x 2.54")

In Stock
Free manual. Pump: 3/4" x 2.10", 1976-88 AMC, 1974-84 Chrysler, 1974-84 Dodge, 1974-84 Dodge Truck, 1977-90 Jeep, 1974-84 Plymouth. Includes everything you need to do a successful rebuild. Gaskets, pump, float valve, diaphragm, small parts.
Part Number K7152
In Stock
Dart Truck 1952-54 Pump = 2.44"
Part Number K6130
In Stock
1955-58 Chrys, 1955 Chrys Marine, 1955-60 Desoto, 1955-76 Dodge, 1955-73 Dodge Tr, 1955-73 Plymouth
Part Number K7124
In Stock
CHRYSLER (8) 1959-71, DESOTO (8) 1958-60, DODGE (8) 1959-71, DODGE TRUCK (8) 1967-71, PLYMOUTH (8) 1963-71 Pump = 2.19"
Part Number K4268
In Stock
Chrysler 1973, Dodge 1973-70, Dodge Truck 1974-70, Plymouth 1973-70 Pump = 2.34" .Made in USA Air Cleaner to Carburetor Gasket Instructions - electronic Flange Gasket Included Leather Accelerator Pump Free BBD Electronic Carburetor Manual After the Sale Service
Part Number K457
In Stock
Chrysler Marine Pump: 5/8" x 2.511"
Part Number K4269